Here i am, spamming you with pictures of this years christmas-and new years-celebrations. :)
We`ve had it pretty quiet for christmas, with only the three of us and my mother in law, but it has been nice and relaxing. on top of that it never gets boring with a child in the house. I actually really like christmas eave a lot more with little human than without. there actually is a sort of excitement in the air and you might just wanna start believing in santa claus again. ;)
Hello mr snowman!! :)
parts of the christmasfood <3 the napkin i am very much in love with. bought at "tiger". :)
One very cool thing about new years is: it is also our wedding anniversary. :) this year we were celebrating 2 years as husband and wife. i got roses, a beautiful cake saying " happy 2 year" ( :D ) and a box with products from bodyshop. some people think it is sad to have this anniversary at the same time as new years, since you miss out on one party during the year. but i think that it is a great thing to have fireworks on the wedding anniversary. how many people have that? :)

for new years we had full house as usual. My husbands uncle and his spouse came over from sweden and as a tradition we always invite our former neighbours and friends. it was a great night! :)
two different kinds of cheeeeeeeesecakes!!! <3
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