Since we as a family are all into plants right now, we went for a little trip the other day, off to the Botanical Garden in Ruissalo. I did not have high expectations, but wow it was beautiful!!
They had a couple of different "greenhouse-rooms" which all had a different climate and atmosphere. All kinds of cool plants, flowers and palmtrees grew there and everywhere we looked we found something cool to watch.
This plant with "rubberleaves" reminds me of the first time i went abroad to a warm country. I was four years old and one of the things that i still remember was how surprised i was about seeing plants like this one. i could not get enough of touching the leaves, wondering how something alive could feel so artificial and grow so beautifully at the same time. the second thing i remember is my endless joy about seeing all kinds of cats in every streetcorner. My version of heaven as a four-year-old. :)
this one was really cool. as soft as it looks!! Just felt for wrapping it around my neck and wear it as a scarf. ;)
these waterplants were interesting as well. the one on the right had a very special kind of surface which made the water look like a pearl. it just stayed like that and if you touched it, it rolled down into the water.
father and daughter admiring fish (and arent those the biggest waterplants ever seen?) :)
This guy and his friend are two cool birds living there. another animal there is a huge turtle that is over
30 years old!!
take cover, it`s raining! :)
potatoes? ;)
careful there!
They also have a great outside-garden with lots of flowers. Since it is just the beginning of may and we`re in finland, not too much has started to flower yet, but i`m definitely returning in summer!
sooo soft!!!
there is lots of space for little runners.
as well as for haveing a one-man-show. ;)
happy may and happy friday everyone!!! <3